After hours spent travelling to London, we finally arrived, unpacked and headed to the hub of it all - ExCel! (Luckily the hotel was right outside the venue, so it wasn't too far to travel every morning...)
After putting the final touches (an email here and a little panic there), we were ready for it all to start at 9am the next day.
By 9am queues were forming - the audience were ready and waiting for the first Digital Marketing Show to begin!
Each day the show was alive and buzzing with attendees, exhibitors, tech team and the show crew.
The theatres were jam-packed...
Speakers were in full flow...
And the exhibitors were engaging with the audience.
We've had some fantastic feedback and can't wait to do it all again in 2014. If you missed out this year then don't worry, we've got it covered. Check out our 2013 review with presentations, videos and some of the best bits.
Of course, we're not going to leave you to battle in the big wide world of digital marketing alone for the rest of the year. The Digital Marketing Magazine offers advice, tips and great articles all year around. I'm the new Deputy Editor so let me know your thoughts!
Are you planning on coming to the Digital Marketing Show 2014?