Thursday, 22 March 2012

Sorry, could you repeat that?

[Note: Opinion piece originally written for a news project in December 2011]

Walking down any high street you can guarantee the air will be illuminated with hundreds of sparkling phone screens as people eagerly text back their friends, BBM (straight out of Blackberrys own dictionary) their mates or quickly send an email to so and so. Isnt technology great? Just over ten years ago it would have seemed alien to us that such a small device could do so many wonderful things; how long until a mobile can make us a cup of tea? (I can tell you now, I am impatiently awaiting that day - its only a matter of time!)

My gripe is not with technology. No, technology can be marvellous and mind-boggling, producing information creations that I could never understand. Technology is awesome. But this isnt an ode to technology; this is a warning to you. Yeah you, the one with their head so engrossed in their phone that youre almost a part of the little electrical currents running through it. Oh hello, so you can hear me!

Thats right; my problem is with those people who appear so attached to their gadgets and gizmos that theyre part robot, so lost without technology that they may as well glue their hand to it and eliminate all risk of ever being apart from their beloved.

Its one thing to be in touch with people via mobile, I do it myself, but when technology takes over and you no longer communicate with the people youre with in reality (that strange place that many people seem to have lost touch with), theres definitely something wrong.

There have been many times when what started out as a conversation turns into an awkward laugh when I realise the attention of a friend has been diverted to a phone rather than their company. Im sure many of you have faced the uncomfortable silence when a phone has taken priority over your charming and witty analysis of the meaning of life. (Well, you can always pretend; after all, they didnt hear you anyway).

Take this as a warning, all you part-mobile iPeople: you and your phone can be disconnected. Life will go on! Look around and youll realise the real world is just as interesting, if not more! Take notice before all your real friends get fed up of talking to the human equivalent of a brick wall. Oh, and just in case you missed what the meaning of life was during an ignored conversation, I can tell you now

Oh wait, youre replying to a text. 

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