Monday, 8 October 2012

I'm still here.

It's about time that I apologise for my absence recently! 

In the last month I have moved from my hometown in Wales back to Birmingham to take on my third (and final!) year at Birmingham City University. It's an exciting time but also a very busy time. I am going to be calling on all my organisation skills for this year. 

My modules of choice this year are focused upon the music industry and PR. On the music front I will be studying the production module, Music Industry Enterprise and the theory module, Popular Music Culture. My third chosen module is Communications Management. I'm going into my third week back at university now and I an certainly happy with my decision to study these. The hands-on approach means it's going to be a semester of hard work but worth it in the long run! 

Of course, on top of my choices I have the two big modules. Like most third year students I will be working on my dissertation throughout the whole year. My question is based around representations, popular music and feminism. However, that's not all! I also have a production project to work on. It's only in the early stages at the moment but keep an eye out as I will definitely be updating you on it in the near future.

I will try to keep the blog up to date with my media work throughout the next few months but if you don't see me for a while it's probably because I either have my head in a book or I'm busy typing away at my assignments!

I'd also just like to take this time to thank everyone who reads my blog. I really appreciate it! Don't forget I'd love to read your thoughts on my posts so feel free comment. 

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