Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Fresh Content: Six Months On

This week marks the start of my sixth month working with the Fresh Content team.

It would be super cliche to suggest that the time has flown by... but it really has.

Leaving Birmingham City University after finishing my degree was a promising, albeit slightly frightening, time! I set myself the goal of securing a job by Christmas time. I aimed to apply for everything related to my degree and interests until September and if I had no luck by then, it would be time to widen the search and look for any form of employment. There's bills to pay, after all!

After just my second interview, I secured employment with Fresh Content in September 2013. Getting the call that Friday afternoon was a fantastic way to start my last weekend of being unemployed!

Fast forward six months and I've had some of the most fantastic opportunities to put my skills and education to the test, some great challenges to handle and a lot of fun along the way.

From working on the first Digital Marketing Show, to managing content for the Digital Marketing Magazine and writing content and managing social media platforms for clients, I've had the chance to put both aspects of my role (Event and Content Marketing Executive) into action.

It's been stressful, busy and manic at times but I've had a fantastic few months here and I look forward to the next 6 months and the exciting 2014 we have ahead of us with a move, more events and new content.

You can follow us on Twitter and or follow my professional account for more updates throughout the year.

Have you recently started a job? What have been your best bits so far? Share below!

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